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Monday, 02 November 2009



Hi Kiter, Neue Videos, Pics und die Hanseboot, Hier und Jetzt!
S-BEND FINS VIDEO Die Revolution auf dem Finnenmarkt. Nicht nur aus Designgründen, sondern mit absoluten Performance Gründen. Warum?

Thursday, 01 October 2009


DASSU - Alpen - Segenflug

Die Deutsche Alpensegelflugschule Unterwössen

Monday, 14 September 2009

ToraTora in Spa

1-on-1 special at Paracentrum Teuge

October 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

Hey flyer, After lots of requests, we're finally organising another 1-on-1 coaching event at Paracentrum Teuge. The price for a coached jump is your own slot plus only half the slot of the coach, thanks to the generous support of the Dutch Sporting Comission. As a participant you'll make 3-4 coached jumps per day and 3-4 homeworkjumps.

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