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Strong Enterprises - www.strongparachutes.com - Print E-mail
Friday, 11 January 2008

Strong Enterprises
Strong Enterprises

Welcome to Strong Enterprises.
We have been a leader in parachute design and development since 1961. We manufacture skydiving equipment, tandem parachutes, aerial delivery systems, emergency safety chutes for pilots, and military parachutes.

Strong Products

Para-Cushion Home
• Back - 303 • Wedge - 311 • Chair - 305
• Seat - 304 • Squadron seat - 306 • Midlite Canopy

Tandem Systems
• Complete Dual Hawk System
Tandem Canopies:
• Set-366 Main canopy PDF • Set-400 Main canopy
• Master Reserve

Sport rig
• Quasar II  - Download the Owners Manual
• Z-po main canopy
• Stellar main canopy
• Stellar reserve canopy  -  Download the Owners Manual

Ted Strong of Strong Enterprises at PIA
Ted Strong talks about the new Aerial Delivery system, vehicles, and gear for skydivers...PIA Ted Strong skydive military aerospace Quasar Time: 06:34


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