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1-on-1 special at Paracentrum Teuge - www.toratora.nl Print E-mail
Monday, 14 September 2009

ToraTora in Spa

1-on-1 special at Paracentrum Teuge

October 8 - 9 - 10 - 11

Hey flyer, After lots of requests, we're finally organising another 1-on-1 coaching event at Paracentrum Teuge. The price for a coached jump is your own slot plus only half the slot of the coach, thanks to the generous support of the Dutch Sporting Comission. As a participant you'll make 3-4 coached jumps per day and 3-4 homeworkjumps.

On thursday and friday, there's free organising for freeflyers. We'll put together small groups with similar skill level and debrief on your own video. You need to sign up for this too. If you want to join, send an email to ToraTora with your details. For the 1-on-1 coaching, there's limited slots available. Depending on the amount of applications, your participation will be limited to one or two days, so tell us your preference. The weekend will fill up pretty fast. See you there! Martijn & Jasper.

ToraTora in flight


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