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The FAI World Championships Parachuting - Fallschirmsport Weltmeisterschaften Print E-mail
Wednesday, 04 August 2010

The FAI World Championships Menzelinsk, Russia 1 - 5 August 2010

IPC, the International Parachuting Commission of FAI. FAI's parachuting activities, in particular World Records and International Competitions, are conducted under the direction of the IPC.

The FAI World Championships are currently taking place in Menzelinsk, Russia in the following disciplines :

Formation Skydiving
Canopy Formation
Canopy Formation
Artistic Events

Looks like we've overcome the video problems, so where you see (V) against a discipline, this denotes that video is available. The unofficial results* of each round in all events can be accessed by clicking the appropriate link in the left-hand column. Where available, we have made access to videos.


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