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SuperCub.com - Backcountry Super Cub - SQ2 Print E-mail
Monday, 03 January 2011


Backcountry Super Cub

Our Super Cub is a new and improved version of the Orginal Piper Super Cub. We have added 4" to the width of the airframe to give some extra elbow room. The Backcountry Super Cub has been upgraded with so many new improvments that this page is not large enough to capture them all.

Backcountry Super Cubs, LLC has been in the aircraft kit manufacturing business for over 10 years. The company started in 1998 under the name Smith Aviation, producing kits just outside of London, Ontario (1 ½ hours north of Detroit, MI). In late 1999 Smith Aviation began sub-contracting the wing production to Wayne & Sharon Axelson of Southwold, Ontario. In January 2006, Smith Aviation was sold and the name was switched to Turbine Cubs of Wyoming, LLC. The company moved its headquarters to the state of Wyoming, and secured a relationship with Wayne & Sharon Axelson and crew to continue producing wings in Ontario. Wayne has agreed to take on a management role for the company.

Turbine Cubs of Wyoming, LLC intended to have a very close relationship with another company called Innodyn were to produce small turbine engines for general aviation. Innodyn was not able to make a reliable engine, and decided to close its doors in 2008.

After producing over 100 kits under the new name, and not having turbine engines to offer to customers, it was decided another name change was needed. On opening day of Oshkosh (AirVenture) 2009 we officially changed our name to Backcountry Super Cubs. We felt this new name best described the products we produced, the classic Super Cub or the next generation Super Cub (our Mackey SQ2) that allow you to escape to the backcountry.

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Our SQ2 has a gross weight of 2,200 lbs.Useful load of 1,000 lbs with 48 Gallons fuel. That means that after you fill your fuel tanks you still have 712 lbs left for two people & baggage.If you want, you can add an optional removable belly pod.These pods weigh 40 lbs and allow you to carry another 23 Gallons fuel (71 Gallons total) in the front of the pod and give 5 feet more cargo room in the rear.The pods go on and off in 10 minutes and are great for long cross country flights.
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Our Leading Edge Slat Kit installed on your stock Super Cub will allow you to maintain controllable flight down to 20 mph. The best part about the Slat Kit is the safety factor the slats provide.Your wings will become very docile and will not have any tenancies to drop either side during low speed maneuvers. Many of our customers find the slat kits very easy to install and are extreamly impressed with the new handling of their aircraft.
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